Next Adopters
Digital innovations, if designed purposefully and implemented on the basis of cost-effective criteria, can contribute to improvements in the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of health systems.
- They can provide tools to support the modernisation of health and social care systems and their adaptation to the challenges mentioned above.
- They can facilitate the implementation of new care models as part of health systems reforms, together with the related organizational changes in care delivery, financing modalities or workforce skills.
Next adopters will be guided by S-M-A-R-T objectives:
- Specific: A clear description of the aim:
- Measurable: Precisely defined and easily quantified
- Appropriate: It should fit the local needs, capacities and culture of the target group
- Realistic: There must be a reasonable chance that the objective or aim can be reached
- Time-bound: It must be related to a certain time period
At next adopters’ level, those S-M-A-R-T objectives as well as key performance indicators will be tailored to each site according to the local Good Practice and Action Plans defined and implemented. These will be defined in the Transfer Work Packages (5-8). They will consider general dimensions and the digital transformation. Regarding general dimensions, objectives will cover:
- Scope and degree of adoption of original Good Practices (oGPs),
- Specific process, pathway reorganisation and change management,
- Involvement and commitment of key stakeholders
- Implementation experience,
- Continuity and sustainability of the practice.
The 21 Next Adopters in 14 Member States participating in JADECARE are adopting specific features of one or more original Good Practices regarding digitally enabled personalised integrated care.