Resources [JADECARE Repository]

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JADECARE Leaflet – incl. multilingual editions

JADECARE Leaflet (English) and translated editions for partners’ languages

EnglishJADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) will contribuite to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems providing expertise and sharing good practices to assist the European countries in undertaking health system reforms. Dowload English leaflet
CroatianZAJEDNIČKA AKCIJA ZA PROVEDBU DIGITALNO OMOGUĆENE INTEGRIRANE SKRBI USMJERENE NA POJEDINCA: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) će pridonijeti inovativnom, efikasnom i održivom zdravstvenom sustavu kroz ekspertizu i dijeljenje primjera dobre prakse kako bi se europskim zemljama pomoglo u provođenju potrebnih reformi.Download Croatian leaflet
CzechSpolečná akce na podporu zavádění digitálních řešení v poskytování integrované zdravotní péče: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) přispěje k inovativním, účinným a udržitelným zdravotním službám a to poskytováním odborných znalostí a sdílením osvědčených postupů s cílem pomoci evropským zemím při provádění reforem zdravotních systémů.Download Czech leaflet
DanishFÆLLES PROJEKT OM IMPLEMENTERING AF DIGITALT UNDERSTØTTET OG INTEGRERET PERSONCENTERET OMSORG: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) vil bidrage til innovative, effektive og bæredygtige sundhedssystemer, der leverer og deler gode erfaringer for at hjælpe de europæiske lande med at gennemføre sundhedssystemreformer.Download Danish leaflet
EstonianHISMEEDE DIGITAALSELT TOETATUD INTEGREERITUD INIMESEKESKSE HOOLDUSE RAKENDAMISEKS: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) aitab kaasa uuenduslikele, tõhusatele ja jätkusuutlikele tervishoiusüsteemidele pakkudes teadmisi ja jagades häid tavasid, et aidata Euroopa riikidel viia ellu tervishoiusüsteemi reforme.Download Estonian leaflet
FrenchACTION CONJOINTE POUR LA MISE EN ŒUVRE DE SOINS INTÉGRÉS ET AXÉS SUR LA PERSONNE GRÂCE AU NUMÉRIQUE: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centered CARE) contribuera à la mise en place de systèmes de santé innovants, efficaces et durables en fournissant une expertise et en partageant les bonnes pratiques pour aider les pays européens à entreprendre des réformes de leurs systèmes de santé.Download French leaflet
GermanGemeinsame Maßnahme zur Umsetzung einer digital gestützten, integrierten personenzentrierten Gesundheitsversorgung: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) fördert die Transformation hin zu innovativen, effizienten und nachhaltigen Gesundheitssystemen. Um dies zu ermöglichen, stellt das Projekt europäischen Ländern Fachwissen und Best Practice Modelle bereit. Download German leaflet
Belgium (German speaking region)Gemeinsame Maßnahme zur Umsetzung einer digital gestützten, integrierten personenzentrierten Gesundheitsversorgung: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) fördert die Transformation hin zu innovativen, effizienten und nachhaltigen Gesundheitssystemen. Um dies zu ermöglichen, stellt das Projekt europäischen Ländern Fachwissen und Best Practice Modelle bereit. Download Belgium leaflet
GreekΚοινή δράση για την εφαρμογή ψηφιακά ενεργοποιημένης, ολοκληρωμένης, ανθρωποκεντρικής φροντίδας: Το JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) θα συμβάλει στην δημιουργία καιντόμων, αποτελεσματικών και βιώσιμων συστημάτων υγείας, παρέχοντας εξειδίκευση και ανταλλάσσοντας καλές πρακτικές για την στήριξη των μεταρρυθμίσεων του συστήματος υγείας.Download Greek leaflet
HungarianEgyüttes fellépés a digitálisan támogatott, személyre szabott, integrált ellátások megvalósításáért: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) a tapasztalatok és jó gyakorlatok megosztásával támogatja az európai országokat egészségügyi rendszereik megújításában, hogy azok innovatívabbak, hatékonyabbak és fenntarthatóbbak legyenek.Download Hungarian leaflet
ItalianAZIONE CONGIUNTA PER L'ATTUAZIONE DELL'ASSISTENZA INTEGRATA INCENTRATA SULLA PERSONA E SUPPORTATA DALLE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) contribuirà a sistemi sanitari innovativi, efficienti e sostenibili fornendo competenze e condividendo buone pratiche per assistere i paesi europei nell'intraprendere riforme dei sistemi sanitari.Download Italian leaflet
LatvianKOPĪGA RĪCĪBA, LAI ĪSTENOTU DIGITĀLI INTEGRĒTU, UZ PERSONU ORIENTĒTU APRŪPI: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) veicinās inovatīvu, efektīvu un ilgtspējīgu veselības aprūpes sistēmu izveidi, nodrošinot specializētas zināšanas un daloties ar labo praksi, lai palīdzētu Eiropas valstīm veikt veselības aprūpes sistēmas reformas.Download Latvian leaflet
PortugeseAÇÃO CONJUNTA PARA A IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DE CUIDADOS INTEGRADOS CENTRADOS NA PESSOA SUPORTADOS PELAS TECNOLOGIAS: A JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE), contribuirá para sistemas de saúde inovadores, eficientes e sustentáveis, proporcionando experiência e partilhando boas práticas, para apoiar os países europeus, na realização de reformas nos sistemas de saúde. Download Portugese leaflet
SerbianZAJEDNIČKA AKCIJA ZA SPROVOĐENJE DIGITALNO OMOGUĆENE INTEGRISANE NEGE USMERENE NA LIČNOST: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) će doprineti inovativnim, efikasnim i održivim zdravstvenim sistemima pružanjem stručnih znanja i razmenom dobrih praksi kako bi se pomoglo evropskim zemljama u usvajanju zdravstvenih reformi.Download Serbian leaflet
SlovenianPROJEKT SKUPNEGA UKREPANJA ZA IMPLEMENTACIJO DIGITALNO PODPRTE NA OSEBO OSREDOTOCENE OSKRBE: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) bo prispeval k inovativnim, učinkovitim in trajnostnim zdravstvenim sistemom s strokovnim znanjem in izmenjavo dobrih praks za pomoč evropskim državam pri izvajanju reform zdravstvenih sistemov.Download Slovenian leaflet
SpanishACCIÓN CONJUNTA SOBRE LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE LA ATENCIÓN INTEGRADA CENTRADA EN LA PERSONA CON MEDIOS DIGITALES: JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of Digitally Enabled integrated person-centred CARE) contribuirá a que los sistemas sanitarios sean innovadores, eficientes y sostenibles, aportando su experiencia y compartiendo buenas prácticas para ayudar a los países europeos a emprender reformas de sus sistemas sanitarios.Download Spanish leaflet

Public Deliverables (accepted by EC)

D1.1: Project HandbookThe Project Handbook summarises the project’s objectives, documents the selected approach for achieving the project goals and establishes guidelines and standards for the project. It also highlights the key controlling processes to be used, the project policies and rules, and the overall management approach.Download D1.131/03/2021
D2.1: LeafletThis Deliverable describes the steps and phases of the production of the JADECARE Leaflet, as well as its current and future application as part of the project's dissemination strategy. It presents the key information included in the leaflet; the approach and concept of JADECARE, as well as an overview of the intervention and partners, with the aim of arousing readers' curiosity about the project.Download D2.131/03/2021
D2.2: Project WebsiteThis Deliverable describes the structure and functionalities of the first version of the JADECARE website developed to date at M6 (March 2021) and outlines the planning of future developments and maintenance. It also gives a description of the landing page as the initial interim communication activity prior to the launch of the website, as well as an explanation of its structure and functionality.Download D2.231/03/2021
D2.3: Dissemination and Communication strategyThe Deliverable dissemination and communication strategy and plan is providing the initial strategy for internal and external communication and dissemination. This document gives an overview of the aims of the JADECARE dissemination and communication activities as well as setting up guidelines for the principles and process flow of dissemination for internal project partners: when, who, to whom, how and what partners should disseminate, led, coordinated and regulated by WP2.Download D2.331/03/2021
D2.4: Final Report on DisseminationA report with all the dissemination activities developed during the whole project and the analysis of the impact produced in the target groups.Download D2.430/09/2023
D2.5: Layman of the final reportThe Layman report describes the background, challenges and overview of the project, including project's specific objectives, the benefits of the innovative solution implemented, the partners involved and the impact or results (core part of the report).Download D2.530/09/2023
D3.1: Impact Assessment PlanThe Impact Assessment Plan of JADECARE has been designed in three different sections that can be understood separately but complement each other so as to reach full meaning in combination.
- The first section is the “Project Progress Monitoring Plan”
- The second section, namely “Quality Assurance Plan”
- The third one, the “Impact Assessment Plan”
Download D3.130/06/2021
D3.2: Interim Evaluation ReportThe Midterm Report evaluates the first 18 months of JADECARE (from October 2020 to March 2022). Its preliminary evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are presented in this Deliverable.
The collection of the data analysed in this report represents nine project months (M10-M18).
Download D3.231/03/2022
D3.3: Final Evaluation ReportThe final evaluation includes the impact at next adopters’ level. The key performance indicators of the local Good Practice and Action Plans defined in the transfer Work Packages (WP 5-8) are analyzed. These includes general dimensions (scope and degree of adoption of oGPs, specific process, pathway reorganization and change management, the involvement and commitment of key stakeholders, he implementation experience and continuity and sustainability of the practices, and readiness of the organization to uptake digitalization) and digital transformation (digital health system infrastructure, risk stratification and data analytics, use of technologies, citizen empowerment and use of patient reported data, innovation initiatives on integrated care, reorganization of care pathways, workforce roles and skills and training and research programs, access to health services, management of change towards digitalization, ethical aspects of digitalization). The final report includes the assessment of the quality and compliance of the project process and stakeholders’ views on inclusion and satisfaction, providing lessons learnt and recommendationsDownload D3.330/09/2023
D4.1: Local Good Practices and Action PlansThis Deliverable collects the local good practices and the related action plans developed by 21 Next Adopters to develop the implementation phase of the Core Features of interest. It then provides an analysis of the ambitions of the Next Adopters and how they intend to transfer the good practice of reference in their local sites, describing the proposed methodology, the support provided by the oGP leaders during this phase and underlining its strategic value to better guarantee the success of the transfer.Download D4.130/12/2021
D4.2: Blueprint on learning from Good PracticesThis deliverables includes the guidelines and operation procedures for JADECARE good practice transfer, including core elements to assure scale up and sustainability after the end of the project. This document will support good practice transfer beyond JADECARE.Download D4.231/08/2023
D4.3: Characteristics of JADECARE practices, leading to sustainability and integration in national policiesThis deliverable compiles the description of the characteristics of JADECARE, that facilitate sustainability and integration into (national) policies. It provides responses to how JADECARE has helped Member States to support and reinforce their capacity for digitally enabled patient centered integrated care.Download D4.3 Core document

Download D4.3 Annex
D5.1: The Basque integrated care approach original Good Practice and transfer processThis deliverable documents the description of the “Basque integrated care approach” oGP, including: main blocks and core features identified in Task 4.1, the implementation requirements and process step-by-step, barriers found and solutions identified, lessons learnt and recommendations and the present situation of the oGP; the implementation process of the “Basque integrated care approach” in each next adopter´s site is described: how it started, who was involved, who was “coached”, how the original practice was adapted, which of its elements were chosen, what other elements were added and from where, resources and capabilities needed, technology required, barriers and facilitators and how elements needed for local GP sustainability have been tackled.Download D5.1 Core document

Download D5.1 Annex
D6.1: The Catalan Innovation Hub original Good Practice and transfer processThis deliverable documents the description of the “Catalan Innovation Hub” oGP, including: main blocks and core features identified in Task 4.1, the implementation requirements and process step by- step, barriers found and solutions identified, lessons learnt and recommendations and the present situation of the oGP; the implementation process of the “Catalan Innovation Hub” in each next adopter´s site is described: how it started, who was involved, who was “coached”, how the original practice was adapted, which of its elements were chosen, what other elements were added and from where, resources and capabilities needed, technology required, barriers and facilitators and how elements needed for local GP sustainability have been tackled.Download D6.1 Core document

Download D6.1 Annex
D7.1: The Optimedis Model original Good Practice and transfer processThe deliverable documents the description of the “Optimedis Model” oGP,including: main blocks and core features identified in Task 4.1, the implementation requirements and process step-bystep, barriers found and solutions identified, lessons learnt and recommendations and the present situation of the oGP. The implementation process of the “Optimedis Model” in each next adopter´s site is described: how it started, who was involved, who was “coached”, how the original practice was adapted, which of its elements were chosen, what other elements were added and from where, resources and capabilities needed, technology required, barriers and facilitators and how elements needed for local GP sustainability have been tackledDownload D7.1 Core document

Download D7.1 Annex
D8.1: The Danish roadmap towards Integrated Care original Good Practice and transfer processThe description of the “Danish Roadmap towards Integrated Care” oGP, including: main blocks and core features identified in Task 4.1, the implementation requirements and process step-by-step, barriers found and solutions identified, lessons learnt and recommendations and the present situation of the oGP: the implementation process of the “Danish Roadmap towards Integrated Care” in each next adopter´s site is described: how it started, who was involved, who was “coached”, how the original practice was adapted, which of its elements were chosen, what other elements were added and from where, resources and capabilities needed, technology required, barriers and facilitators and how elements needed for local GP sustainability have been tackled.Download D8.1 Core document

Download D8.1 Annex