Discover Join Action impact and results
The Joint Action (JA) on implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care (JADECARE) is part of a series of initiatives the EU has launched to face the challenges of the transformation of health and care in the EU. JADECARE intends to reinforce the capacity of health authorities to successfully address important aspects of health system transformation, in particular the transition to digitally enabled, integrated, person-centred care in the EU. For this purpose, 16 EU countries participate in JADECARE. In order to achieve these goals, four “Early Adopters” of original Good Practices support “Next Adopters”, i.e. participating regions of Member States to transfer the successful practices and generated knowledge into the healthcare systems of the participating partners.
[Read more: Background & Ambition]

Implementing four proven Good Practices of digitally enabled integrated care by 21 Next Adopters

These four original Good Practices stand for a bundle of proven practices and methods ready for being transferred to the Next Adopter health care organisations:
- Basque health strategy on ageing and chronicity: Integrated care (Basque Country, Spain)
- Catalan open innovation hub on ICT-supported integrated care services for chronic patients (Catalonia, Spain)
- The OptiMedis model – integrated population-based care (Germany)
- Digital roadmap towards an integrated health care sector (Southern Denmark Region)
By transferring these four practices, JADECARE proposes to strengthen the capacity of health authorities to successfully address all important aspects of the transformation of the health system towards digitally enabled, integrated and person-centred care.
NEWS update

JADECARE methods at a glimpse: Our evaluation framework for transfering Good Practices to Next Adopters
The JADECARE Evaluation Framework provides a comprehensive and structured framework of the areas studied in the Joint Action that aims at: Assessing the quality and compliance of the project process and stakeholders’ views inclusion and satisfaction. Performing a systematic appraisal of the quality of the transfer and implementation process, understanding, evaluating and reporting the experience of adopting original Good Practices (oGPs) in in heterogeneous Next Adopters (NA) sites. Providing a methodological framework for assessing...

World Health Day 2023: JADECARE featured by HaDEA as initiative working towards ‘Health for All’
World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April. This year’s theme focuses on the importance of healthcare with its slogan “Health For All”. In line with the European Commission, together with EU countries, being working to improve EU health systems and ensure equal access to modern and efficient healthcare for all citizens, HaDEA is and has been funding projects and initiatives that are addressing health inequalities by developing successful strategies and innovative technologies to facilitate...

JADECARE insights in original Good Practice transfer: Effects of ‘Sports on Prescription’ on Patient Health and Wellbeing
Eurometropole de Strasbourg (EUSTRAS) is a partner in the JADECARE Joint Action that has chosen acting as a Next Adopter for the original Good Practice “The OptiMedis model – integrated population-based care (Germany)”. This model targets simultaneously better population health supported by population data analysis, an improved patient experience of care including increased service quality and higher patient satisfaction and reduced per capita costs of health care by increasing system efficiency. Inter alia, it embraces transforming...

Conclusions from ten Thematic Workshops derived from full report
For ensuring successful implementations, continuous support, monitoring and exchange of implementation experiences are essential. One instrument for providing these factors has been the organisation of Thematic Workshops, where NAs could report and discuss the intermediary results of their implementation. More than 320 participants joined the Thematic Workshops either onsite or online. Thematic Workshops were scheduled at the end of the first half of the implementation phase. Their key objective was to share and discuss first...