What’s new in digitally enabled integrated person-centred care

JADECARE informal stakeholder meeting with Italian policy makers and initiatives
On 26 September 2022, a hybrid meeting has been jointly organised by the Italian Ministry of Health and AGENAS with the aim of representing how some of the themes implemented within JADECARE (namely, hospital/territory integration and risk stratification) find a natural development and continuity also in various national activities, projects and policies, and therefore guarantee their sustainability. The meeting (in presence) was hosted in premises of the Ministry of Health in Rome, Italy. AGENAS, the co-host, has...

JADECARE inspired ACSS Summit 2022 “(Re)think commissioning models”
The high level conference of the Central Administration of the Portuguese Health System „ACSS summit 2022 (Re)think commissioning models“ on 27th September 2022 will feature JADECARE's approaches and achievements. A member of the original Good Practice „Basque Health Strategy in Ageing and Chronicity: Integrated Care„ of JADECARE will discuss the implications of its core feature “Risk stratification” for financing and comissioning of healthcare services. The conference will raise awareness on the importance and...

Italian Partners’ webinar “JADECARE – Joint Action supporting health systems’ transitions towards digitally enabled integrated person-centred care
The Mattone Internazionale Programme - ProMIS, in collaboration with the Italian National Agency for Regional Healthcare Services – AGENAS, organizes on September 15th at 10:30 a.m. the webinar “JADECARE – Joint Action which supports the digitally health systems transition towards integrated person-centered care” The objective of the webinar is to disseminate the experiences consolidated during the project activities with a particular focus on the planned methodology that will allow the transfer in different contexts:...

Browse reports from ten Thematic Workshops hosted by JADECARE Next Adopters
In the implementation phase of JADECARE, Thematic Workshops were held within the project consortium internally. These workshops have been organised by Next Adopters in 10 European regions from June to July 2022. During each Thematic Workshop, specific features of original Good Practices have been addressed and discussed with the participants of those Next Adopters of JADECARE who are implementing adaptations of these themes/features at their sites. Through collaborative self-evaluation and exchange, the Thematic...

Strasbourg Thematic Workshop on Set up Use of Routine Health Care Data to Assess Efficiency of Chronic Care Pathways
The last thematic workshop in Strasbourg from the 04th to the 05th of July 2022 was very productive and fruitful! The hybrid event was hosted by the Eurometropole of Strasbourg (EUSTRAS) in close cooperation with OptiMedis Nederland. The overall question of the workshop was ‘’How to set up the use of routine health care data to assess the efficiency of chronic care pathways?’’.It was a continuation of the Slovenia workshop providing a platform for an in-depth discussion on current health sector reform measures,...

Toscany Thematic Workshop on Integrated Care
The eighth of a series of 10 JADECARE_EU thematic workshops was very successful. The workshop was hosted by the Regional Health Agency Toscana in Italy on the 30th of June and the 01st of July. The event was performed in close collaboration with the original best practice model from the Basque country. Attendees from different EU member states participated in the hybrid event and presented their implementation status with a focus on their integrated care actions. On the first day, Next Adopter teams from Italy,...

Croatian Thematic Workshop on Patient Empowerment
The seventh of ten thematic workshops was held regarding the implementation of Core Features of the Basque Good Practice in Zagreb, Croatia from the 27th to the 28th of June 2022. The overall topic of the workshop was Patient Empowerment, hosted and organized by the Croatian Institute of Public Health (Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo - HZJZ) in close cooperation with experts from the Basque original Good Practice. The event was organized in a hybrid format (face-to-face and online) in which 28 people from different...

Budapest Thematic Workshop on Vertical and Horizontal Integration – Integrated Care
One of the last thematic workshops was held in a hybrid format in Budapest, Hungary from the 4th to the 5th of July by Országos Kórházi Főigazgatóság (OKFÖ) in close collaboration with the original Good Practice; Catalan Center for Open Innovation on ICT-supported integrated care services for chronic patients (Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer - IDIBAPS). The workshop’s topic was VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION: DIABETES-MORBIDITY which deals with the setting of the use of integrated care...