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EFPC 2022 Conference “Integrated Community Care: a new opportunity for Primary Care”

Ghent, Belgium Ghent, Flanders, Belgium

The conference scientific committee invites submissions of abstracts (in English language only) for presentations related to the scope and purpose of the conference. Please check the list of EFPC 2022 Ghent Conference – Themes. Deadline for submission: 1 May 2022 Submissions should follow one of the following formats: Research abstracts: These presentations will provide the results, completed […]

X-eHealth Final Conference / Second X-eHealth Innovation Day

Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, Portugal , Portugal

The X-eHealth project (Exchanging Electronic Health Records in a common framework) will hold its last event on October 26th – the 2nd Innovation Day at Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, for which interested European eHealth Stakeholders are invited. The 2nd Innovation Day will be a day dedicated to innovation and digital transformation in the European health sector, namely, the future of health data exchange in laboratory, medical […]

DigiHealthDay-2022 “Global look at digital health – from the heart of Europe”

European campus Rottal-Inn, Pfarrkirchen

JADECARE will be presented at DigiHealthDay-2022, hosted by European Campus Rottal-Inn of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology as hybrid event , an international scientific symposium and workshop series on Digital Health. JADECARE will be highlighted by German JA affiliate Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), represented onsite by Martina Rimmele in the Afternoon Plenary […]