In times of economic, climatic and social instability and insecurity, this congress aims to provide an opportunity to reflect on the role of healthcare quality as a key factor in the transformation of the healthcare system towards more sustainable models.
The theme of this edition, “Quality of care, a pillar of sustainability“, encourages the exchange of experiences and the generation of new ideas that pave the way for the spread of improvement initiatives that have a direct impact on the quality of healthcare and on the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of the health system itself.
Event home page:
Full programme [PDF]
The abstract “Implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care solutions – JADECARE” submitted by Yhasmine Hamu and Ane Fullaondo on behalf of the JADECARE Consortium has been accepted. JADECARE will be presented at the Best Communications’ Round Table of its category: Gestión de la calidad / Quality management, scheduled for Friday 27 October at 9:00 CET (ID17600 Implementación de soluciones asistenciales integradas centradas en la persona y habilitadas digitalmente –Implementing integrated person-centred and digitally enabled care solutions – JADECARE).