The scientific committee for this conference has been established from international experts who are leading in the field of Integrated Care. ICIC23 is co-designed with patients and caregivers and achieves Patients Included designation.
The 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC23) in partnership with the Flanders Agency for Health and Care and Visit Flanders will take place at Flanders Meeting & Convention Center Antwerp, Flanders from 22-24 May 2023. With the overarching theme ‘Care in action: how to work together, a participatory approach’, the conference will bring together leaders, researchers, clinicians, managers, citizens, patients and caregivers from around the world who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated health and social care.
JADECARE will be present at the event in the format of a dedicated JADECARE workshop, as participant and contributor in an EC hosted workshop for EU funded projects and an oral presentation by one of the Next Adopters (Andalusia):
JADECARE has been accepted for hosting a workshop under the objective to share the results of the implementation process of JADECARE and explore the key elements to ensure the sustainability of local good practices beyond the Joint Action. In this regard, the results of the implementation process of JADECARE will be presented and the key elements to support the sustainability of good practice transfer beyond the Joint Action will be explored. Furthermore, the workshop presents the JADECARE Sustainability strategy that sets three core elements: policy environment, ownership of sustainability and culture of collaboration and consensus seeking. In addition, two Next Adopters (NAs) will present the results of the implementation of their local good practices and their work to build sustainability beyond JADECARE. Finally, discussion among attendees will be promoted to highlight the key elements to ensure sustainability and scale up of local good practices beyond the project.
In addition, JADECARE has been lately invited for participating and contributing in a workshop on learnings by EU funded projects (hosted by European Commission).
Moreover [in Session 4.1 Care Transitions], the JADECARE Pilot in Andalusia will be presented: Improving healthcare at home for complex chronic patients (CCPs) in Andalusia. Abstract: A Complex Chronic Disease is a condition involving multiple morbidities that requires the attention of multiple health care providers and, therefore, a holistic approach. The Andalusian Public Health System is responsible for the provision of healthcare and public health services to the Andalusian population (8.5 million inhabitants), where around 200000 complex chronic patients (CCPs), with chronic heart failure (CHF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been identified and prioritized. Healthcare at home for CCPs is considered a key element that facilitates patient follow-up, can avoid emergency episodes, promoting patient empowerment. The Andalusian participation in the EU Joint Action JADECARE “joint action on implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centered care” (GA 951442) focuses on improving healthcare at home for CCPs with CHF and COPD. The development, implementation and testing of a Centralised System for Proactive Follow-up (SCSP) of chronic patients is being monitored, as well as the tele-referral service which is being expanded. The SCSP is supported by National funds as well (Servicio para la implantación de una solución corporativa para el seguimiento proactivode pacientes crónicos en el sistema sanitario público de Andalucía (Expdte. 039/21-SP.). The aim of the JADECARE Andalusian pilot is to improve health status and quality of life of CCPs by enhancing home healthcare proactive follow-up and its evaluation.
Overall Conference Themes:
The scientific committee for this conference has been established from international experts who are leading in the field of Integrated Care. ICIC23 is co-designed with patients and caregivers and achieves Patients Included designation.
The conference will operate as a hybrid event. While we are very excited to be physically together in Antwerp, the hybrid formal means that people who do not wish to travel next May can join and present at the conference via video link and present their paper digitally, however a delegate fee and registration will still be required.